Horoscope for September 10th to 16th 2007

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your intuitive feeling to experience different cultures and philosophies. Your intuition could lead you to sign up for unusual courses being offered in your community. Focus on hobbies and don’t let anyone take advantage of your generosity. Your health will suffer if you are excessive or push yourself too hard. Don’t beat around the bush, state your case, explain your intentions and you’ll do fine. You can learn a lot if you listen to individuals who have had more experience. Others are ready to listen to you. Your ideas about home, family, real estate and improving the workplace are excellent, perhaps even profitable. If you want to buy something beautiful now, do it. You are restless because you feel strongly ambitious now. You’ll experience losses if you are careless with your wallet or your investments.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your ability to put the spark back into your life. Mental challenges will help rejuvenate you. Promises will be broken. If you try to finalize a deal be sure to get it in writing. Entertain people who can offer you valuable information and knowledge. Your jealous need to possess will entice your partner even more. You have great energy to get your world more organized. Buy something that helps you to do this job. It might be something practical, or it could be something attractive that in turn, lifts your spirits. Whatever it takes, do it. Financial speculation could be attractive. Your willingness to help others is probably going to cause fatigue if you don’t learn to draw the line. You have taken on way too much and made too many promises to friends and family. Things have become stale, and you need to regenerate yourself with new information. Start doing some avid reading or sign up for courses.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your ability to cope with the stress you feel. You’ll meet interesting people if you attend trade shows or conventions. Help those less fortunate. You will feel great if you can do a friend a favor. Don’t listen to friends who aren’t totally aware of your situation. You are particularly skilled at dealing with others, in fact, this good influence lasts for the entire week, so milk it for all it’s worth. Others are very receptive to you. They are agreeable. Yes, it is true there is some tension with neighbors and siblings, however you will come out on top. Relatives may try to burden you. Don’t let them take advantage of your good nature. If you can’t help, tell them why and don’t feel bad. Start thinking of yourself for a change. Your nerves are shot and your patience deteriorating. It’s time to make changes to turn your life around. Residential moves may be necessary if you wish to eliminate the problem.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by some decisive moments as well as surprises in store for you, particularly in relation to your personal plans. Personal change is definite. You have a tendency to be overly generous and forget that you have a budget to respect. Your desire to help others is admirable, but it could lead you into the red. Your ambitious nature may sometimes attract criticism, but there is no doubt about it. Your efforts have been worthwhile and you are about to reach a new level of success. You can arrange travel this week, as you seek out adventure and discovery. Your travels bring back happy memories and help you understand a past mistake.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by new aspects of your career. The property, funds or wealth that you share with others is favoured. The resources of others, whether it’s your partner or a company, or another individual, can benefit you at work. Patience at home is required. Your criticism may not be taken too well. Learn from your past experiences. The longer you let things go the worse they’ll get. You will feel uncertain. Your opinions are changing and re-evaluation is necessary. Don’t take your frustrations out on loved ones. You will take things the wrong way at an emotional level. Problems with in-laws or nosy relatives may get your dander up. Keep your personal life to yourself. Don’t take action unless you have proof. Don’t push your luck when dealing with friends or children. This is not the time to be negative. The backlash will put you in a lonely position.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by magnetic forces that get you going. Simply go after anything that you want a “yes” answer to. The support you need to boost your career and your good name is available to you now. Things are looking so good, even others can see it because Lady Luck is smiling on you right now. Romance with a boss or someone more successful or wealthier is possible. It’s just as easy to fall in love with someone rich as someone poor. Someone you work with may be withholding important information. Don’t be satisfied with lame answers. Dig deep to ferret out the truth. Your position could depend on your thoroughness. Don’t be too vocal about your intentions. Colleagues may try to pass the buck by putting the blame on you for a poorly done job. Pay attention to details and keep your boss informed as you go along.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by changes in your personal life. Don’t overspend on luxury items. Do your own things and don’t take anything for granted. If you get out and mingle, romantic connections can be made. Don’t get sidetracked. Take care of your own needs and forget about what others are doing. Get into fitness and get yourself into shape. Get out socially with colleagues. Be very observant, secret information will be revealed. Get off to an early start, you can dodge disagreements with loved ones if you keep busy. Secret affairs could ruin your reputation and cause problems with your friends and relatives as well. Past romantic partners who try to waltz back into your life should be kept at arm’s length. Your anger will be impossible to contain if you get into heated discussions with family members. Direct your energy into physical work rather than discord. Be productive.


This week’s scenario is highlighted by your ability to multi task. Plan carefully and avoid obstacles that others have put in your way. You may tend to overspend if you go shopping. Don’t let friends or relatives interfere in your love relationship. Make up your own mind. Get out and interact with others. Dig deep and discover the truth. You’re going to have to rely on your imagination to help you find a good solution. It’s time to make your move. You may like the people you are working for but money talks. Don’t take a risk, gamble or spend money you can’t afford to part with. Little annoyances will cause outbursts of temper that could easily lead to estrangement. Curl up with a good book and refuse to let anyone trigger your anger. Hobbies will be a satisfying outlet. You’ve taken on too much, and now you’re going to have to become a juggler to meet your deadlines.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your ability to communicate your original ideas. Your excellent memory will aid in your accomplishments. Talk to a friend about personal problems. The advice you get will be sound. Don’t promise to do too much for too many. Stay calm. Making changes will be costly. You’re sitting pretty, in fact, this is just a premonition of the next few months ahead which are super favorable to your sign. You should go after anything you want. The gods are smiling on you now. Focus on your professional gains. You can make headway if you put your mind to it. Problems that older relatives face will become your dilemma. Try to do what you can to help, but don’t let their troubles disrupt your personal life. If you lend money, you won’t get it back.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your ability to get yourself into shape. Physical exercise is a wonderful way to start your new week. Your exchanges with others are upbeat and optimistic. You can crack a joke and bring a smile to anyone’s face. Great time for negotiating, making deals and shopping. This can be a profitable time in terms of business or finding a bargain. Your best efforts come to you from something from behind the scenes. Be alert and creative. Don’t overreact to the criticisms made by family members. Look into travel opportunities and get away from the pressures that face you. You need to make a change to your environment. Romantic involvement will lead to a serious union. You should make plans that concern your future together. Travel should be on your agenda.



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