Category Archives: Norman and I

Understanding Service Dogs: Myths, Facts, and International Perspectives

Service dogs are extraordinary animals trained to assist individuals with disabilities, providing them with greater independence and improving their quality of life. Despite their crucial role, there are numerous myths and misunderstandings surrounding service dogs. This article will debunk common … Continue reading

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R.I.P Payton

It is with a sad heart and tears in our eyes that we say a goodbye to Payton, he has been Normans lifeline for many years but sadly June 25th 2021 we had to say goodbye and let him cross … Continue reading

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Happy Anniversery Norman!

Well it is another year that we have been together as a married couple and we have had our ups and downs along the way that is for sure, I might not always like what happens between us but we … Continue reading

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October 2020 General Conference Sunday Sessions

Here is the Sunday Broadcast of the Conference for anyone who wishes to be able to watch it again.

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October 2020 General Conference Saturday Session

Well, once again the General Conference FALLs on my Birthday – not pleased with it but oh well its what it is. For those who wish to be able to watch the Saturday’s Conference here, it is Yes we are … Continue reading

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