Category Archives: My Life

Understanding Service Dogs: Myths, Facts, and International Perspectives

Service dogs are extraordinary animals trained to assist individuals with disabilities, providing them with greater independence and improving their quality of life. Despite their crucial role, there are numerous myths and misunderstandings surrounding service dogs. This article will debunk common … Continue reading

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Abilist Views even in the Disability Community

Well, it doesn’t come as any surprise that there are those who live with a disability who are abilist in their thinking and actions, not to mention in the way that they go about putting out material that is aimed … Continue reading

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YouTube, TikTok, n Twitch

As many might have noticed I haven’t been doing my regular posting of live streams to my YouTube channel nor have I been doing my daily live streams not even once a week like I had started to try to … Continue reading

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Amazon Wish Lists

Well I have had a few people ask if I have a Amazon Wish List since they have seen my Google Play Book Wish List and yes, as I stated in that list I do have an Amazon account and … Continue reading

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Things are Opening Up!

Well I know that we are now in Phase 3 of the reopening or is it 4 (I’ve lost count to tell the truth)? I honestly don’t know and part of me doesn’t really care since it still doesn’t feel … Continue reading

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