Well tomorrow I have a job interview set up for a job that I applied to last year. I do not know what the full job entails only that its part time work (at least it was that when it was first posted), and that it involves graphics and web which are up my ally (which of course is why I applied for it in the first place).
Why am I looking for work some of you might ask, well I am a freelancer thus work is not always incoming and well like others freelancing might be nice, but so is a steady pay check, thus you know how much income you have each month to go towards expenses, not to mention being able to pay off debts that accumulate. *chuckles* The world keeps on passing and you either go with the flow or you sink it feels at times. Sometimes I wish I lived outside of Toronto, because then it would be much cheaper to live in general, not to mention once you’ve lived in a small town, you wish to go back to that type of town again and set down roots so to speak – K at least that’s how it feels to me for myself.
Well on the whole today has been a good day for both of us, we have had our fun and I have even managed to get some work dun on PathWalkers.Net which was a time in coming, but am glad do what I’ve been able to.
And for those who know that I’m into Feng Shiu, here’s one of the sayings that I like … COMPASS – The eight compass directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, and NW) within a house, room, office, garden, or other space govern the various aspects of your life. Each direction is associated with specific colors, animals, numbers, and elements. To activate and improve a specific part of your life—such as your marriage or your wealth—place an appropriate color, animal, number, or element into the direction associated with that aspect of your life.
well take care everyone,