Weight Loss Schemes…

Well its interesting to find that the Star is covering this, but its not surprising considering that its Diabetes Awareness Month, thus covering various topics which have ties to diabetes is to be expected.

In today’s Toronto Star, is an article entitled “Feds fight bogus weight-loss schemes” which is a fairly good article I think.

I know for myself I have never baught into any weight loss scheme since for the most part I never though they would work, since what I was eating and doing should have already made me louse weight not maintain it or gain it (being almost 100% vegan and having limited sugar intake) – I didn’t think anything would ever help me louse weight, not even those deals.

I know now what was wrong with me, and now have been able to louse the weight, but its got nothing to do with any weight loss scheme, its plain simple learning what my body needs to help it break down the fats and use it as energy.

Well take care everyone.



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