#CanDoc Chat – Various from past #DSMA chats

diabetes iconThe following Questions where posted in the CanDOC Tweet Chat

Q1. How has living with diabetes shaped you into the person you are today? It hasn’t really shaped me since I developed it as an adult, its influenced how I interact with food and how some people see me, but in general its dun nothing to change who I was before I got told I have it.

Q2. What do you do on your diaversary – if anything? Do you celebrate? I don’t even remember the day I got told that I was diabetic, I remember going in for the tests at Princess Margret Hospital and that instead of the few hours it should have taken that it took over 12 hours all because the first three readings they took of me where off the chart and they couldn’t understand why I was still up and about and not out of it, as apparently I should have been or something. I don’t celebrate the date or anything I see no reason to do so, its just another part of life.

Q3. What are three words you would describe your life with diabetes…. Problematic At Times

Q4. Do you think there will be a cure for diabetes in this life time? No, I do not believe that all types of diabetes will have a cure in my life time I am hopeful that there will be better treatments and that a cure will be found – but I also know that better treatment is more likely before a cure is found (since there are many ways of developing Diabetes).

If we have time:

Q5. If you could dedicate a song to diabetes, what would it be? and why? There are several songs that comes to mind, nun if them really to do with Diabetes, but all of them can be dedicated to any medical condition in general including Diabetes.

Katy Perry – Firework is one of those songs that works well enough I believe and that’s long before I saw the music video that goes with the song.



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