udpate on mom

Well it took them long enough to get her admitted in to a room of her own (K she’s sharing it with someone else, but still it took them far to long to get a room in my person opinion).

I know that the news paper’s have been saying that waiting times in the hospital have lessoned, I’d like to see it myself. It took them something like 24 hours before they had a room for her to go to, instead of being in ER, where it was already over crowed – talk about not a good deal at all.
When I last saw her, she was not looking all that well, then again you try being in ER for to many hours without good care – such as IV replacements, and what not and see how some ppl fair.

With all of the drug allergies my mom and I have, its a bloody nightmare finding those which she can take, and those with which the hospital actually have in their in hospital pharmacy.

Well have to head out, sighs tried need more sleep

will update when I get another chance to get online, take care all



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