30-Day Fitness Challenge: Day 7

Active Challenge: While watching TV, get up during every commercial break and exercise, stretch or walk around.
Chuckles, I always am up and about when watching TV today spent most of the time watching TV while cleaning so got in a good workout in general.

Exercise Challenge: Perform 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps of the following exercises: Chest Fly, Dumbbell Row, Overhead Press, Hammer Curls, Kickbacks, Squats, Lunge OR your own routine.
I did my own deal, though part of the listing was dun as well but it was all dun as part of the Wii Fitness program

Flexibility Challenge: At least three times today, perform the stretches shown in the Seated Stretch workout OR Your own flexibility routine.
Did my own deal, did more Yoga from the Wii FItness Program

Nutritional Challenge: Try at least one fruit or vegetable you’ve never tried before.
Sighs, wish that was a possibility but can’t do it because there isn’t any such item that I can get my paws on at this point in time.

Mind/Body Challenge: Before you go to bed, take five minutes and write down at least 5 things you accomplished today and at least 5 things you’d like to accomplish tomorrow.
Well its a while before bedtime but I’ve already made my semi list as to this point in time of the day and as to what I wish to get dun tomorrow, lol that list grows ever longer it does feel.

Record your workouts and meals in your journal
Dun so by posting here, but like always need to get onto Spark and copy down the info into this blog

If you haven’t completed some of the things on this checklist, make a note of what you still need to do and when you’ll do it. If you did complete all the assignments, write down what you found the most challenging and why. List any other tasks you’d like to accomplish in addition to or instead of the challenges listed above.



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