Down another pound

Well for the second week in a row I’m down another pound, which is good to see on the scale

I’ve not really been tracking hard for the past week, missed a few days and what not – but I also know that I’ve gotten in the habit of only tracking when my glucose numbers are higher then normal it doesn’t always bring be back to normal but it does at times give me a fair idea of why the numbers might be the yoyo that they are.

Right now I’m just pleased that the number is down instead of up or holding steady – down is good, down is in the right direction, down works very well for me. I just now need to get the chance to get the tape out and do my measurements – so see if I’m down in inches as well that to me is the real tell tale of weight loss.

Also saw my doc today, my cholesterol is actually on the low side of normal, but isn’t good for a diabetic – sighs I don’t like that double standard, even my doc agreed that its a double standard and that my levels are down from what they where 4 months ago she’d still like to get me onto a med for it, but till they can figure out what med I won’t react to there is no option (and I’m still trying to find a herbal deal that might help in that area – I already have cut down the eggs [two eggs a month average], red meat and other foods that are high in cholesterol so it seems to have paid off in general). There isn’t much more that I can cut down or out of my daily plan, so the best I can think of is supplements or something which might help the numbers in general.

I also know that the weight loss does help the numbers, or so she said/agreeded so getting the weight to come down will help with that area – but I’ve also got the PCOS on board which means that it already causes the levels to be elevated in general (though as she said, my numbers are now normal that she wouldn’t even think I have the PCOS anymore – though she knows that its a lifetime condition but that it can calm down and not be as much of an issue. She feels that the hyster has helped to get it into the normal range that and my lifestyle choices that I’ve been making in the past 7 months since I started hitting strong with the insulin.

Oh well, take care everyone write more as time does allow for it



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