Category Archives: My Life

R.I.P Payton

It is with a sad heart and tears in our eyes that we say a goodbye to Payton, he has been Normans lifeline for many years but sadly June 25th 2021 we had to say goodbye and let him cross … Continue reading

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Happy Anniversery Norman!

Well it is another year that we have been together as a married couple and we have had our ups and downs along the way that is for sure, I might not always like what happens between us but we … Continue reading

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First Minecraft Let’s Dig Is Finished

Well I did a 22 part live broadcast using Twitch to stream me doing a 50×50 dig down to bedrock in Minecraft in survival on normal. I did get killed a number of times near the end of the series … Continue reading

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Video Editing and Live Streaming

Well I have been working on and off most of the weekend to try and figure out a introduction to all of my LiveStreams that I am going to be moving over to YouTube once they have been edited, its … Continue reading

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Live Steaming on Twitch

Well for the past week and change I have actually be daily live streaming on Twitch, been trying to get into the habit of doing a stream but it is proving to be harder to get into the habit of … Continue reading

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