First Podcast in the works

Well I finally have my first Podcast in the works, and its called “Lefts Get … Healthy, Fit and Active!”

I’m still in the process of recording the first ep, am hoping to have it uploaded to my server laster this week and linked in my profile for those who wish to listen to it.

I’m still trying to get a feel for the mic and what not, but the sounds good and the software works (garageband, is starting to come in handy it does appear, though iWorks is still usless to me as I do my own web design work).

The casts that I think I am going to be doing will cover various things, from what I read in the news, to stuff that bugs me, to things I see at the gym and other topics of interest to me that are health and fitness related, including but not limited to my own personal journey to getting into better shape.

Well take care

Sadeness, Part I (Violent US Remix)EnigmaMCMXC AD (Bonus Disc)



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