No treadmill yesterday

Sighs never got around to getting on the treadmill yesterday .. sighs was to busy working on a site that was to go live Feb 1st 2007 .. the site is now live and looking good, but ack what a day

I did get out to walk the dog, forced myself away from the comp to do that. But also when I was walking to dog realized that I’d only taken in just over 400 calories all day long .. OUCH … so while on the way home dropped in the local pizza place and got a custom order to go, which means 1,034 calories, but I am not complaining about the cals, I needed them to get me over the 1,200 cal mark and get me close to my 1800 goal, as it is I only managed to get to 1,593 calories .. sighs .. well I did try.

Even with that Panzarotti, I didn’t meat my bear min fat goals .. chuckles which isn’t anything new to me. I’m fair use to being under SPs deal for fat .. which is alright with me and my doc’s the lower the better they do feel (at least of the less the great fats, omegas etc well those they want higher hence taking supplements for those good fats).

Well hope everyone is well take care



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