30 Days of Questions – Day 17

Well I hope everyone has been enjoying this version of the 30 Days of…, we are now onto Day 17 in the 30 Days of Questions, and today’s question is “What’s your favorite movie?

Not an easy question to answer since there really is no one movie above all other’s that stands out. There are a few different movies that I have enjoyed over the years and will watch time and time again and they do vary. I enjoy watching most of the Disney movies that we’ve gotten over the years and I can watch most of them time and time again (though some of the live action ones I just can’t get into as I can most of the cartoon based ones). Films such as Old Yeller, The Shaggy Dog, Swiss Family Robinson, and the list goes on of which files I have enjoyed watching time and time again over the years.

There are of course other films out there that I enjoy watching time and time again, but to list them all here would be a rather long list indeed (over a 100 last count) so I’ll say this chances are if you find me posting on GetGlue you will find me listing what movies I have enjoyed watching and much more.



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