30 Days of Me – Day 8

Well another day of the 30 Days of me and its now Day 08 of this, todays posting is for me to post Short term goals for this month and why. When I first read what was going to be the topic to post on for today I though it would be an easy Topic to post on, but in trying to write something I learned it really is anything but easy to write on this topic, but the following is what I’ve comes up with for todays topic.

I would like to louse a pound this month, two pounds would be great – in an ideal world I would like to get off a full eight to ten pounds, but thanks to the PCOS and other factors in my life, to me a pound loss would be a great first step to be taken for future weight loss to come. Not to mention would be a great first step for the start of the year (since I’ve still got my 20 pounds a year loss goal in place).



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