A Nurse’s Prayer

A Nurse’s Prayer
tune – Eller – 325

Because the day that stretches out for me
Is full of busy hours, I come to Thee,
To ask Thee, Lord, that Thou wilt see me through
The many things that I may have to do

Help me to sense when pain must have relief,
Help me to deal with those borne down by grief,
Help me to take to every patient’s room
The Light of Life to brighten up the gloom.

Help me to bring to every soul in fear,
The sure and steadfast thought that Thou are near,
Help me to live thought this live-long day
As one who loves Thee will, dear Lord, I pray.

And when the day is done and evening stars
Shine through the dark above the sunset bars
When weary quite, I turn to seek my rest,
Lord, may I truly know I’ve dun my best.



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