3 Years, time passes fast

3 Years ago today Norman and I went to Denver Colorado Temple to get sealed to each other, it is hard to believe that it was not that long ago as it feels so much longer than that.

A lot has happened in these years, more then I could have imagined back then. I never would have thought that we would be here as we are today three years later. Not only are we now in a different ward, but we are not as active as we once were. Mostly because of my health declining and also because of the cost of getting to and from church – sadly we have to now factor in that and if it is outside of our monthly budget then we either have to go without something or no go to one appoint of something to have the gas or funds to be able to get there.

But regardless of if we attend or don’t we still hold to what we started out oh so many years ago. We do it in our home and try to keep the day as it is meant to be kept.



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