#Childfree Times for July 2012

Welcome to the July 2012 edition of the Childfree Times, this is a collection of articles, videos, images and more all related to being and living a Childfree life by choice (and for some not so much by choice to start with).

Accepting a life without children Finding ways of coming to terms with involuntary childlessness can be a difficult challenge, writes SHEILA WAYMAN

Why Childfree Couples Have It All …Couples who have no children by choice know this to be true, and pursue many roads to fulfillment. What does “having it all” mean to these couples? They don’t subscribe to a one-size-fits-all “childfree” model, but these themes stand out…

Childfree In Ireland Welcome to Childfree in Ireland, a web-based resource for people who are without children and living in Ireland.

Can a parent and a childfree have a lifelong friendship? I find myself hanging out more and more with my childfree friends, and less and less with my parent friends. Is this just due to my aversion to children in general? No. In fact, two of my friends who have toddlers have the best kids ever. They are super cute and well-behaved. My friend who has a newborn also has a great baby, who rarely cries and is pretty cute, as far as babies go.

The Child-Free Zone Campaign We’ve all heard the old Victorian adage that children should be seen and not heard and we all know that this contradicts everything that we understand of modern day parenting. Well, I’m taking a stand and am launching a one woman campaign to instill some good old fashioned values into this crazy world so that people like myself are no longer discriminated against.

How I Finally Got My Tubes Tied: 4 Stories From Real Women More and more women are making the decision to be childfree–but that doesn’t mean it’s getting any easier to find a doctor who is supportive of or willing to perform an elective tubal ligation on a childfree woman under the age of 40, mostly because they’re afraid the patient will change her mind (even though most women don’t). But for those women who are sure–and there are many of them–it’s worth it to fight and even lie to get an operation to ensure they live the lives they want.

Feminist funnywoman Caitlin Moran says the planet doesn’t need your babies Leave it to a wiseass mother of two to make the best case I’ve ever read for not having kids.

Caitlin Moran is my new childfree hero … even though she’s not childfree. Leave it to a wiseass mother of two to make the best case I’ve ever read for not having kids.

Do Childfree Couples Have it All? A little more than a month after The Atlantic ran Anne-Marie Slaughter’s cover story asking whether or not women can, truly, “have it all,” we’re still talking about whether or not she’s right. According to a new piece at the Huffington Post, Laura Carroll posits that we are overlooking a huge option in the work-life balance. It would seem, according to Carroll, that it’s the couples who have no children at all that strike the best balance and, therefore, have it all.

Book Review
The Baby Matrix Laura Carroll in her book The Baby Matrix addresses the impact that pronatalism has had and continues to have in our lives. This topic is complex and Ms. Carroll has done a superb job in her research of this subject and in making that research relevant to not just the childfree but to parents as well.

Images, Radio and Video
Child Free And Lovin’ Life Pinterest board posting images that fit for this person into a childfree life

Luscious Life with Eleanore Wells Listen in as Yolanda Shoshana chats with Eleanore Wells from The Spinsterlicious Life. Find out why it is awesome to be single and childfree! Wells shares a few of her life lessons in her book, Spinsterlicious Life: 20 Life Lessons for Living Happily and Childfree, plus fabulous ways to enjoy life. It’s time to celebrate being single!

My Childfree Life



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