Books I’d Like To Get – Wishlist

Below is the current list as of April 1st, 2023 of the books I would like to get through Google Play (which is tied into my google account, so if you would like to gift me a book, please PM me for my google account email). Sadly at this point, Google Books does now allow gifting between all countries (US and Canada it does, but not sure about elsewhere), if you are outside of Canada or the US then sadly you might not be able to Gift a Google Book to me, but you can go to my Linktree to see other ways to support me, as well as seeing all the Amazone wishlists that I have created. 

* Means I don’t yet have the book
** Means I have gotten the book (it will also not have an active link)

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Quote by Stephen Hawking

“Disability is not an obstacle to success.”

Stephen Hawking
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Quote by Audrey Hepburn

“Nothing is impossible; the word itself says ‘I’m possible!'”

Audrey Hepburn
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Understanding Service Dogs: Myths, Facts, and International Perspectives

Service dogs are extraordinary animals trained to assist individuals with disabilities, providing them with greater independence and improving their quality of life. Despite their crucial role, there are numerous myths and misunderstandings surrounding service dogs. This article will debunk common myths, clarify facts, and provide insights into some international perspectives on service dogs.

Understanding Service Dogs - Service dogs are extraordinary animals trained to assist individuals with disabilities, providing them with greater independence and improving their quality of life.

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Quote by Unknown

“Accessibility is not optional; it’s essential.”

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Quote by Unknown

“Disability pride is loving and honoring your uniqueness in a world that may not always value it.”

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