Paw in the Park

Well today was Paws in the Park, but the number of venders that where apparently signed up didn’t happen there was about half or less that actually showed up to the event, which was most disappointing for many who chose to attend (at least that is what I was seeing from the postings about the event).

I remember in years past that it was a heavy attended event, but apparently this year it wasn’t the case. I don’t remember last year as we where not around for it and in previous years we’ve also been busy, or found out to late to be able to attend (as in wasn’t following the fact it was going to be happening).

Oh well, with luck they hit their goal and that those who where there at least had decent weather for it.

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Feeling oh so blasted hot!

I don’t know if it is me or if it is fully the weather we are having but I am so unable to cool down that it feels like I am cooking inside of my skin, putting my arms in cool water helps for a short period of time but it doesn’t last long enough to cool the rest of me off unfortunately.

This isn’t doing my glucose control any good, been checking my level more then normal this past week (which means I’ve gone though over 50 strips thus far this month), this heat has’t helped matters at all and we are suppose to be getting into fall weather shortly umm ya I think mother nature has other ideas atm for us since summer seems to have started late.

Well post more as time happens, take care everyone!

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A Good Camping Trip

We got up semi early because it was just to hot and humid for us to sleep much longer – I think we where lucky if we got 3 hours of sleep in total, maybe 4 if lucky. But regardless we where both up and starting to get our gear together by 7am (which might not be early for some but for us is).

We didn’t even bother making breakfast, we figured we’d pick something up along the way home (which we did). It took longer to decamp then we had planned, partly because of the humidity that was effecting the two of us, but also because we where still tired and sore that it just was hindering our ability to do anything very fast.

We things pack up and our area of the camp site cleaned up and packed into the van, all the while Payton is in his spot in the van snoozing away and occasionally looking up to see what was going on. We think he was missing the two Service Dogs that he’d meet and made friends with to various degrees.

At any rate, once packed up and cleaned up our site we headed towards town to get some gas before heading home (kind of needed it as we where running close to red). We got the gas and drove though town before getting onto 11 and starting our drive back home – we didn’t get back home until almost 5pm thanks to traffic coming into the city.

When we got home we unloaded everything into our kitchen and I started making Dad’s dinner – it wasn’t until later that I made something up for us as neither of us was really hungry when we got home, mostly the only thing we where was thirsty (which meant we both were dehydrated and knew it).

We’ve spent the time today unpacking and loading up the washing machine plus still have more to do tomorrow, such as unpacking the sleeping bags and refolding them, unpacking the tent and refolding it and a few other things including doing the laundry.

But all in all, it was a good time away and took care of that camping itch that Norman had been developing to various degrees over the past 5 years, we are planning on going camping again though this time to another location that is also crown land based. No idea where it will be, but we’ve time before we do it again as we are not planning on it until next year depending on how things are employment and health wise.

Well post more shortly take care everyone!

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Hottest Day of the Year

Well it was warm going to bed and that so didn’t let up when it came time for us to wake up either – but I can safely say that I did at least get some sleep this time around – though not as much as I would have hoped to have gotten unfortunately.

But still waking up to the stifling heat was NOT a good thing – we got breakfast together and by time we started eating I was in a state of heat exhaustion and in short was not feeling very good at all. So it was decided that we’d head for the beach to swim and try and stay cool (that was when we heard over the radio that there was a heat advisory being issued for the area), which turned out to be a very good idea to say the least.

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Camping – Gravenhurst, Ontario Farmers Market

Well didn’t get a lot of sleep, in fact I am sure I only got maybe a few hours if really lucky. I hope I get better sleep tonight, because BLEEP the air mattress doesn’t make it softer to sleep on the ground, add in having to get up OFF of the ground and my back and neck are so NOT pleased with me over the matter.

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