Horoscopes for December 25th to 31st 2006

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your ability to pour yourself into what you love to do most. Whether it be writing or woodworking, you’ll excel by applying your passion to whatever you do. Plan, design and tinker your projects to completion. Your final product is far from ready, but your ideas are budding into reality. Prolong the process a little, it’ll be well worth the wait. Issues of the heart have little to do with reality, you need to create an atmosphere of fun and fantasy. Right and wrong are important to you, although some might question your definitions. Pursue your imaginative goals and you’ll be able to surpass everyone’s expectations.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your ability to be unusually persuasive where financial dealings are involved. You’ll be full of energy and full of yourself. Your timing may not be quite as good, but you’ll be able to find some safe ground if you proceed slow. Conversations about things that you know well will develop into discussions of ideals. Your performance could capture the attention of people who might want to hire or consult with you in the near future. Be very casual about your interest, but keep yourself focused on their needs. Hard work is usually your motto, but you may be able to negotiate a better plan, this week. You may feel torn between the two stories you’ve been told. It will be difficult for you to function until you are able to converse with those concerned. You can count on your friends for their honesty.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your ability to help others through an emotional time in their lives. Domestic issues may threaten to put a damper on your passion. Keep a positive attitude and deeper understanding will prevail. No one will question your knowledge or skills, but maybe you should take on a new strategy. No one wants to listen to a ranting fool, so cool you heels and get down to the business at hand. Propose your ideas calmly and concisely. You want to help others, but you know they need to help themselves first. All you can do is relax and help by sharing some of their responsibilities. Once you are able to lessen their load, you’ll all be able to enjoy the ride. The key now is to see past the emotions & see the positive reality that exists.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your ability to see past the immediate and protect your own interests. Seek refuge from a world that’s obviously trying to annoy you. Security is very important to you right now. Once you feel more secure, you’ll have more room to move and more time to play. A partnership may be a little more demanding than usual. Running away from your problems will not help the situation. You need to resolve your confusion by applying patience and persistence. Stand up for yourself. Now is the time for you to make presentations and public appearances. You’ll have the confidence and the instinct to succeed. Romance could blossom as a result. Strong influences from others will help you to finish what you begin.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by a sense of excitement in your personal as well as your professional life. You’ll experience a surprising amount of passion. Life is interesting when there’s some mystery involved. Channel your desires into activities that are community oriented. Nothing is certain, but you’re in a good position for advancement. You’re wealthy and well-equipped spiritually. You’ll be able to find deeper meanings to your spiritual feelings. You need to believe in your own potential. When others aren’t sure what to do, use your perceptiveness to help them to find their way. You don’t want to waste your time on a losing proposition, however if you support the right cause, you may find some personal satisfaction, as well.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your sense of belonging to something greater. Others may strive to win, you are happy just to belong. It doesn’t take much to remind you of how lucky you feel. Incorporate your imagination into everything you do. The more you learn, the more eager you will be to use your knowledge. Original thinking will help you to see a broader perspective. Beware of the troubles into which your insecurities could get you. Satisfaction could be a lot closer than you thought. You’ll be surprised by behavior of a Sagittarian native. Writing and speaking will bring your project a strong dose of intellectual energy. Prepare a new, shorter list to help direct your work.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your ability to stay in control of your emotions. Others may try to grab the reins out of your hands. Resist the urge to let them lead you. Your high expectations will be assisted by your own good sense of direction. You’ll be invited to many important events. Be sure to put a little extra effort into your appearance. Put on your happy face. It’ll be noticed. If you see a shortcut, take it. You won’t make progress by asking permission at every step. Take action now. Use your intuitive feelings to know what you need to do next. Prove your worth by remaining positive and consistent. Others need only to feel your energy and they will be able to enjoy themselves, as well.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your need to get control of things. Your desires cannot be denied. Don’t confide your secrets. Someone who seemed trustworthy may have other plans for you. You may have felt as if everything was going well, but now you may feel as if you have been slowly losing control. Overconfidence can cause mistakes. Pay closer attention to your financial plans. Attitude is everything, your power and confidence will win any argument. You’ll be so convincing that there may not be any contest. Once you feel the energy, you’ll be able to have it all your way. Your creativity will help develop your strategy.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by a sudden reversal of things. Progress is still going well, however it is now different. You’ll have another chance to fix your problem. If you adapt quickly, there will be no delay. Understand the priorities of someone who might be having a hard time. You’re smart enough to care and quick enough to help. You will be popular among your peers. You won’t need to ask for help, it will be offered to you first. Helping hands will be there for you. You need to reverse and revise. Trust others to fulfill their obligations. Those who cooperate with you can expect your generosity but those who interfere with you should expect trouble.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by your need for a little more space. It’s not that you’re pushing others away, it’s just that you need some space to think. Once you’ve had enough time alone, you’ll be able to start connecting again. Wear your heart on your sleeve without fear of losing anything. Others will recognize your originality, and start to appreciate you as an individual. Allow peers to take a peek into your inner life for a glimpse of what makes you tick. Your openness will create an atmosphere of genuine trust. It may just cause a warm celebration of human nature. If you shine now, your credibility will increase.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by a new project that comes to you out of left field. You’ll be able to get involved with something bigger than you imagined. Freedom of expression is your greatest gift. You’ll become the organizer and spokesperson. Many causes are in dire need of what you have to offer. A change of pace will offer new insight and help you grow as a person. You may have a hard time breaking into a closed circle. Your determination will be admired, but something more may be required. You can avoid problems by making peace with those in opposition. The best compromise is to listen to all concerned. You’ll be able to attract the best people possible for the job at hand. Count your blessings.

This week’s scenario is highlighted by the fact that time is on your side. If you have more energy than you can use, send it elsewhere where it will be welcomed. Promises will be fulfilled and you’ll feel as if you’ve got everything you need. Others will rely on your advice and opinions to help them on personal decisions. Stay well informed on current issues from different sources. Friends can help you manage your responsibilities. Personal motivations creep into decisions that should not. Be careful not to take on more than you can handle. Share the load with someone better equipped to carry it. Remember, no man is an island. Your essence is strong enough to handle anything but it’ll be more fun to share the rewards with someone special.



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