30 Days of Me – Day 1

Well here is the start of a New Year of 2011 … so here as a start to the new year is the first of many to come 30 Days of… the first one I am doing is the 30 Days of Me, thus I am going to post once a day for the next 30 days something about myself, that was asked on the list that I posted last year.

For the start of the session it calls for A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself. So here is as recent pic of myself as I have (web cam taken). Well maybe not the most flattering image of myself I’ve ever taken or had taken for that matter, but hay it didn’t say it had to be overly flattering just a recent pic, and well how much more recent can you get then a Pic just taken and posted?

So anyhow on the the 15 interesting facts about me…
1 I am Childfree
2 I was born in 1977 4 years after my folks got married
3 I have a learning disability, but I’ve not let it interfere with getting my education
4 I am dyslexic
5 I consider myself to be Pagan
6 I’m into fitness and health
7 I love Wolves
8 I’m a Fur
9 I’m a Graphic Artist and Web Designer
10 I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
11 I have Type 2 Diabetes and am on two types of Insulin (long acting and fast acting)
12 I’ve been active online since about 1994
13 I got my first computer back in 1984
14 I’m Married
15 I’ve been raped



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