Hit the gym yesterday, and ouch my cals burned!

For June 5th 2007, I did the following

Walked = 13.85 miles
Took = 24,320 steps

Weight Training – Upper and Core
ABench AB100 – Table for 6 sets at 10 reps
Arm Rases = 5lbs – 4 sets for 8 reps
Arm Rises = 5 lbs – 4 sets for 8 reps
Bicep Curls = 10lbs – 4 sets for 5 reps
Shoulder Press – 45 lbs – 4 sets for 10 reps
Single Pulley Row = 45 lbs – 4 sets for 8 reps
Single Pulley Pulldown = 45 lbs – 4 sets for 8 reps
Dual Bicept Curl – 4 sets for 5 reps
Shoulder Curl – 5lbs – 4 sets for 10 reps

*Stretch between each set, plus…
Stretch Trainer – Inner Thighs, Grains
Stretch Trainer – Lowerback
Stretch Trainer – Shoulders
Stretch Trainer – Gluteals, Hips
TOTAL time = 60 minutes

Hit the ellipitcal for 65 minutes as well

TOTAL cal burn for the day = 2370.78

BikoPeter GabrielPlays Live (Disc 2)



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