A cold that just wont let go…

Well haven’t been feeling well for a while now, I wish I knew when my body was going to clear this virus that it’s acquired but sadly it doesn’t feel like there is an end in sight as yet.

I’m still coughing and hacking and still feeling like it’s in my lungs yet I have no signs of rails that I am aware of – but my body is still acting like it can’t get rid of whatever was caught. It feels like some of the colds I had when younger to degrees, but different. I don’t feel like I’m recovering as fast from this bug as I have previous bugs I’ve contracted in the past, which is most annoying since it makes me think something more is wrong with me I know about.

The part outside of the hacking that is really causing me concern is the stress incontinence that is part of what’s going on, I might think my bladder is empty but as soon as a coughing fit hits that turns out to not actually be the case.

I am trying to eat as my body will allow me to do so, but in most cases I am not hungry and ofcourse post eating the caughing fits get worse for a period of time until things once again calm down to various degrees, even hauls etc isn’t helping things to be calm. Taking MyQuil does help yes since it suppresses the coughing reflex from happening, but I am not sure if that is a good thing or not. I am not coughing up spudem or anything of that nature all that is coming up is air and feeling like I’m going to break a rib from the strength of the cough.

Well post more as time does allow for it, take care everyone!

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#Quote – Corita Kent

QuotesnSayingsIconLove the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.
– Corita Kent

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Quote – Robert Ingersoll

QuotesnSayingsIconGive to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself.
– Robert Ingersoll

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Happy Pride Month Everyone!

Well its June and for many around the world June is known as Pride Month and is celebrated all month long with various events and gatherings – sadly there are many around the world who can not celebrate who they are because of laws on the books in their countries or areas that would seen them 6 feet under for doing so or in prison (or combo there of) sadly even in more developed countries similar can happen to those who are different from others which is just plain sad and wrong.

Loving someone who shares yours interests, joys, etc shouldn’t be wrong regardless of there gender or their identity – Love is Love and what someone does with their body shouldn’t be of any concern to you if you are not directly involved in that persons actual life (and even if you are their parent, sister, brother, etc it still doesn’t give you the right to make them feel less about who they are – they are who they are and that should be enough regardless).

Much Love and Resect my Brother’s, Sister’s and Gender Diverse Friends

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Quote – Marcus Aelius Aurelius

QuotesnSayingsIconHow much trouble he avoids who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks.
– Marcus Aelius Aurelius (121-180 AD)

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