“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”
– anonymous
“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”
– anonymous
“Theres a remarkable amount of strength residing in those who move forward without being able to physically move. Ones that carry the weight of illness or a disability, they battle wars most know nothing about. They are the true warriors of the world, the ones who have every reason to quit but never do.”
? Nikki Rowe
“People who don’t see you every day have a hard time understanding how on some days–good days–you can run three miles, but can barely walk across the parking lot on other days,’ [my mom] said quietly.”
? Jennifer Starzec
“Tis true my form is something odd,
But blaming me is blaming God;
Could I create myself anew
I would not fail in pleasing you.
If I could reach from pole to pole
Or grasp the ocean with a span,
I would be measured by the soul;
The mind’s the standard of the man.”
– Joseph Merrick
“My disability exists not because I use a wheelchair, but because the broader environment isn’t accessible.”
– Stella Young