When the power of LOVE overcomes the love of power the world will know PEACE – Jimi Hendrix
This is something that someone asked me, they wondered if I will be on Ozempic for the rest of my life. The short answer is No I will not be on it for the rest of my life.
The longer more complicated answer actually is, that I will be on some form of drug designed for insulin resistance because that is how it just is it is very unlikely that I will ever regain the sensitivity to insulin that I once had. I might get some sensitivity back but thanks to having Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome being insulin resistant in many regards is part of how life will be also it isn’t an uncommon issue for many type 1 diabetes to eventually develop after being on insulin for a number of years.
For some changing insulin helps with that resistance, but for others that just isn’t going to help, at which point in time you have to be treated with the same medications that many type 2 diabetics are treated with to help their insulin resistance.
Continue readingWell, time to start things over again, was placed on Ozempic back in 2021 to help with my developed Insulin Resistance, and the 12 months that I was on it, well things didn’t go very well at all and the negative side effects were all over the place that made daily living not to fun at all.
The first time around, I was living in the Loo because I was constantly having back-end issues or I was having to vomit what little was in my stomach. Neither was fun and both came and went at random, sometimes at the same time which was a real problem (as it led to dehydration that was really hard to treat for me).
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