“Vision doesn’t usually come as a lightening bolt. Rather it comes as a slow crystallization of life challenges that we one day recognize as a beautiful diamond with great value to ourselves and others.”
– Dr. Michael Norwood
“Vision doesn’t usually come as a lightening bolt. Rather it comes as a slow crystallization of life challenges that we one day recognize as a beautiful diamond with great value to ourselves and others.”
– Dr. Michael Norwood
Right actions for the future are the best apologies for wrong ones in the past.
– Tyron Edwards
Everything can be taken away from a person but one thing: the last of the human freedom — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
– Viktor E. Frankl
To love, and to be hurt often, and to love again — this is the brave and happy life.
– J.E. Buchrose
“There is no comparison between that which is lost by not succeeding and that which is lost by not trying.”
– Francis Bacon (1561-1626)