Power Days

Sunday– Sun (planet), health, success, career, goals, ambition, personal finances, advancement,drama, fun, authority figures, law, fairs, crops, totem animals, volunteerand civic services, promotion, the God, men’s mysteries, children, buyingselling, speculating

Monday– Moon- psychic pursuits, psychology, dreams/astral travel, imagination, women’s mysteries, reincarnation, short trips, women, children, the public, domestic concerns, emotions, fluids, magick, spirituality, nursing, all things pertaining to water and bodies of water, antiques, trip planning, household activities, initiation, astrology, new-age pursuits, archetypes, totem animals, shapeshifting, religious experience

Tuesday -Mars- passion, sex, aggression, energy, strife, action, courage, swift movement, physical energy, sports, muscular energy, partnerships, guns, tools, metal, cutting, surgery, police, soldiers, combat, confrontation, business, buying and selling animals, mechanical things, repair, gardening, woodworking, hunting, beginnings

Wednesday -Mercury- wisdom, healing, communication, intelligence, memory, education, correspondence, phone calls, computers, messages, students, merchants, editing, writing, advertising, signing contracts, sibling, neighbors, kin, accounting, clerks, critics, music, editors, journalists, visual arts, hiring employees, learning languages, placing ads, visiting friends, legal appointments, astrology

Thursday -Jupiter -business, logic, gambling, social matters, political power, material wealth, publishing, college education, long-distance travel, foreign interests, religion, philosophy, forecasting, broadcasting, publicity, expansion, luck, growth, sports, horses, the law, doctors, guardians, merchants, psychologists, charity, correspondence courses, self-improvement, researching, reading, studying

Friday– Venus- romantic love, friendships, beauty, soulmates, courtship, dating, artistic abilities, harmony, affection, relationships, partners, alliances, grace, luxury, social activity, marriage, decorating, cosmetics, gifts, income, growth, gardening, architects, artists, beauticians, chiropractors, dancers, designers, engineers, entertainers, fashion, music, painting, poetry, household improvements, planning parties, shopping

Saturday -Saturn- binding, protection, neutralization, karma, death, manifestation, structure,reality, the laws of society, limits, obstacles, tests, hard work, endurance, real estates, dentists, bones, teeth, farm workers,separation, stalkers, murderers, criminals in general, civil servants, justice, maths, plumbing, wills, debts, financing, joint money matters, discovery, transformation, relations with older people



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