Its official i’m back to connecting with breeder’s for my future prospect – I’m still looking at Poodles, but I do admit that I am open to other breeds in general but all have to be under 45 pounds and smaller than Payton as possible.
Part of me wonders if I should try for another Griffon or a Wire Haired Pointer since griff did so well, but at the same time I can’t bring myself to have one that looks like him as I still miss him a whole LOT! Even a Schnauzer has crossed my mind as a possibility but again I know the breed in general and I got lucky with Bliss i do not think I’d have the same luck with a second one.
I’ve thought about getting a german shepherd, but as much as I love the breed i do not feel that it would be the best possible breed for me and my current needs and I know they are larger then Payton and weigh more so that puts them outside of my current abilities and means (maybe in the future, but right now its the case).
I’m back to being on the fence of if I am willing to take on a 8 or 12 week old pup, part of me says yes I can do it but the other part of me says no 6 months is the lowest I can deal with. Guess it will come down to what pup finds me in the search and how it goes from there.