30 Days of Questions – Day 28

Well it is very closer to the end of the month and today is Day 28 of the 30 Days of Questions, and todays Question is “What do you have planned for your next anniversary?”

::chuckles:: lets say I have no idea other then Norman wont’s to go to The Tulip Steakhouse, he’s wonted to go back to it ever since I took him there one day last year as a treat, he loves their steaks but at an average of 25.00 to 30.00 for a steak its one of those things that is a real treat and if you share a plate its an extra 6 bucks, which isn’t bad but still. The only upside to it is that a 30.00 stake is between 20 to 22oz which is a good size slab of meat.

So other then going there for our dinner, I do not know what he has planned for the day itself because I know I have no such plans – that and I’ve not yet gotten him anything for our anniversary which ticks me off not even a card (though I do have a ecard on its way to him for the day) which is upsetting but I know he understands because he’s in the same boat (or I think he is knowing him he’s managed to get funds onto his card form SL or something).

Oh well time will tell what takes place and how dinner goes and what I choose to have for dinner, might just have a burger, I don’t really know.



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