Unemployment all around

EmploymentWell N is still looking for employment, we’ve both gone though the LDS Employment Centre to try and see if they had something to offer us that might help us both in our employment search, so far nothing has come of what they showed us to do with out resumes (though N has continued to get calls for interviews, just hasn’t been able to land the job for various reasons – yet his interview skills are good from what I understand from the tapped session that he did of a mock interview).

Me I’ve had stuff here and there, but nothing of a perm nature that I am looking for, but such is the field in general. Temp work seems to be the norm more then long term work, which is upsetting since I really do not like not knowing how I’m going to afford my insulin each month or buy N’s medication every three months or as right now how we are going to pay our dentist bills for the work we both need to get dun.

Seeing companies laying off 100+ people is hard to see on our end because we know it adds that amount of people more to the population already looking for employment and with N having Epilepsy it seems to make it just that much harder of him to find something and the longer he’s unemployed the harder it will be for him to get work, because of getting older as well. Same goes for me to degrees as well, neither of us are getting younger and we both know that younger generations are behind us also looking for work of what ever nature they can get (specific field and not).

Well I have faith that something will come for both of us, its just the when factor that I have no clue about.



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