Abilist Views even in the Disability Community

Well, it doesn’t come as any surprise that there are those who live with a disability who are abilist in their thinking and actions, not to mention in the way that they go about putting out material that is aimed at others with the same disability or similar condition.

Even the tech they are using isn’t inclusive, hockey sticks didn’t even test out the platform before launching their product to see if it would even work, they just assumed that it would work. What happened to user testing and UI testing? For crying out loud when I went to college for web design and development it was one of the fundamental points of the entire course was End-User Usability it was drilled into us that when creating sites, you have to test test test and make sure that what you are developing and delivering is inclusive and supportive all that is out there for accessibility.

Guess that sort of thinking and design has gone the way of the dodo, as I am seeing more and more of this happening. Sadly with the tech open to the world today there is no excuse for this to happen. There are so many tools out there to help a creator make sure that their content is as accessible to others there are even standards that have been written and many governmental bodies have adopted the standards (yet these standards are not as widely adopted as they should or could be).

Oh well they will either learn or they won’t – time will tell. And yes I did mention the lack of accessibility and other assumptions which have fallen on so-called deaf ears
(pun not intended).



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