Category Archives: Quotes and Sayings
Dystonia, educate yourself
Dystonia awareness starts with each of us. Educate yourself and those around you. Knowledge is power. ? #LearnAboutDystonia
Dystonia, Let’s inspire
Living with dystonia requires courage, patience, and hope. Let’s inspire and uplift each other. ? #DystoniaSupport
Dystonia doesn’t have a face
Dystonia doesn’t have a face, but it has millions of stories. Share yours and let’s be heard. ? #MyDystoniaStory
Dystonia, some days are tough
Some days are tough, but every day is a chance to educate others about dystonia. ?? #EducationIsPower #DystoniaAwareness
Dystonia, no cure, but there’s hope
A cure might not be here yet, but hope and determination are already with us. ? #HopeForDystonia
Posted in Quotes and Sayings
Tagged Dystonia
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