Category Archives: Quotes and Sayings
Diabetes T1 – Quote
They say how are you? I say I am tired.They look at me in shock. They say what could you be tired about?I say I’m fighting more then you could ever imagine.They give me that look yet again.I go on … Continue reading →
T1 Diabetes – Quote
Type 1 DiabetesIs a Terminal Disease…We work our butts off…24 hours a day…7 days a week…no breaks… no vacations…or else we die!We fight for our health…everyone minute…of every day! Anon
Diabetes T1 – Quote
Type 1 Diabetes has no cause and no known cure. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks the beta cells in the pancreas. Anon
Quote by Nick Jonas
Chasing perfection withType 1 diabetes is impossible. There’s so much that’s out of your handsand finding a way to remain calm andpatient in moments where diabetesinterrupts your life is the key. Nick Jonas
Diabetes Quote – Art
Managing yourDIABETESis not a science, it is anART