I Am A Woman

You do not need to have children to lead a fulfilling life.

You do not need to have children to become a more patient and humble person.

You do not need to have children to experience authentic happiness.

I am not broken because I have no desire to become a mother. I am not a victim of “evil” feminist propaganda. I am not cold, or selfish, or bitter, or angry.

I am a woman. And being a woman does not necessitate childbearing. The sole purpose of marriage is not childbearing. When you reduce it to something so primitive, so biological, you neglect the heights to which the soul can soar. You neglect the beauty of human interaction and companionship. You neglect love.

The Middle Ages was not the pinnacle of human wisdom, insight, and reasoning. We have advanced so far past that now, in understanding the complexities of the human person. The key is to interpret the past with the insight of the present… not to pretend that the present doesn’t exist.

I am a woman, and I am childfree.

I am strong and beautiful.

note: this is NOT my own writing, I wish I could give a link back to who wrote it but I can’t because I do not know who wrote it, but I still wish to share it with those who wish to read it and find it touching or that it speaks to you in your own way.



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