The Ex and the AirShow

Well it was a good day spent at the EX, even if I didn’t get much in the way of sleep before we got there, at least I don’t think or feel like I did. Mostly because all I can remember is looking at the clock and seeing time pass by, and soon enough it was time to get up and get ready to get out.

Oh well, as I said it was a good day spent there. The air show was lovely, dad got some good tape of it, which I am hoping to edit shortly and upload to YouTube then post it here on my blog for others to view. The Snowbirds did a great show this time though, one of the best I have ever seen them do in years, and several new formations to boot.

I got a little to much sun, and my body knows it big time, which means the next couple of days I’m going to be feeling the effects of the sun, sighs oh well it happens each year so am fair use to it by now.

Well take care, will post more, but need sleep!



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