Introduction to the Houses

An astrology chart divides a circle into 12 parts, or Houses. There are many systems of house division. ArtCharts uses the Placidus system, which is *industry standard*. Houses describe where experiences occur.

The first house and the sign that rules the first house, which is also known as the Ascendant or Rising sign, describes your outer personality and physical attributes. To some extent it also describes your health and the type of illnesses you may experience.

The second house describes material assets, how you handle monetary income, and the potential ways it may be earned. It also indicates the values and priorities you establish throughout life.

The third house describes your mental state, intellectual orientation, self-expression and communication, early education, mechanical dexterity and skills, immediate environment (neighborhood), and siblings. It indicates physical actions, and transportation, especially within your immediate environment. To a certain extent the third house also describes the job or health of your father.

The fourth house describes your residence, domestic environment, and family members, especially your mother. It indicates the beginning as well as the end of various cycles in your life.

The fifth house describes your creative talent and imaginative powers, capacity for enjoyment and the pursuit of pleasure, romance, children, and speculative ventures.

The sixth house describes your job, daily responsibilities (paid and unpaid), and those who work for or with you. It also represents your health, and physical fitness.

The seventh house relates to marriage and partnership or joint ventures of any kind. It describes how you interact with people and how others tend to regard you. The seventh house is associated with legal matters, negotiations, contracts, and all open confrontations, pleasant as well as adversarial.

The eighth house is related to taxes, debt, death, legacies, and the income you receive through marriage or business partner(s). It describes your resourcefulness, and your ability to develop and use material assets as well as personal skills and abilities. The eighth house also indicates sexual attitudes and behavior.

The ninth house describes higher education, advanced training, publishing, publicity, advertising, politics, foreign travel, foreign studies, religious and philosophical views and activities, and cultural pursuits. It relates to court decisions, a second marriage, and in-laws. To a certain extent the ninth house also describes the job or health of your mother.

10th HOUSE
The tenth house describes your career and other long-range goals, public reputation, superiors and those in authority. It also relates to your father and his influence in your life.

11th HOUSE
The eleventh house rules friendships, organizations to which you belong, and income derived from self-employment or career (as opposed to wages earned from a job). It relates to the role you play in the lives of others as child, parent, lover, spouse, friend, social or business associate. The eleventh house also describes your hopes and aspirations and capacity for happiness.

12th HOUSE
The twelfth house describes the private and hidden side of life; your subconscious mind, dreams, the past, and those who wish you harm or work against your interests. The twelfth house relates to sorrow, disappointment, loss, solitude or confinement, hidden fears and worry. It also has connection with the job or health of your marriage or business partner.

All writings belong to their original author and I take no credit for this writing, this writing is shared in good faith so that all may benefit from it



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