Healing Herbal Vinegars

Combine herbs, berries, flowers, and vinegar and what do you get? Healthful herbal or infused vinegars can be an extra boon to your health, too. Dioscorides, who reportedly traveled through Egypt with Nero’s army, found that Egyptian medicines included vinegar combined with honey, brine, thyme, or squill, and this mixture was used for many health ailments.’ Like healing vinegar, herbs-such as parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme-have been shown to contribute not only to good lyrics, thanks to Simon and Garfunkel, but to good health. You can make your own herbal vinegars and reap a host of therapeutic effects from these herbs mixed with wine, rice, or apple cider vinegar. Think about using some of these herbs steeped in vinegar for the therapeutic benefits you can obtain both outside and inside your body:

CHAMOMILE (Anthemis nobilis): Chamomile, a common folk medicinal herb, has been used to treat a variety of health ailments. The dried flowers brewed in a tea help combat gastrointestinal symptoms, minor infections, and skin disorders. Recent research shows that chamomile contains apigenin, a flavonoid which has antioxidant properties and may inhibit skin tumor formation. Thus it could be beneficial in sunscreens.

RED CLOVER (Trifolium pratense): This herb is phytoestrogenrich, which is believed to be soothing and healing.

COMFREY (Symphytum officinale): The herb comfrey may aid in healing cuts and help soothe minor burns and swelling faster.

***Note: There are warnings about ingesting Comfrey, but people did ingest it for long and long before the warnings. I’ve not been able to find a valid study to support the warning, but since there are many herbs without warnings that do the same thing, there’s no reason to ingest Comfrey. Comfrey is great in poultices to help heal fractures and broken bones.

ECHINACEA (Echinacea angustifolia): This infection-fighting herb can help kill bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other germs. Echinacea contains a natural antibiotic called echinacoside and a germ-fighting compound called echinacein. It is also used externally for cuts, burns, and cold sores.

EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus globulus): This herb relieves runny noses and helps clear the sinuses and respiratory system. It’s used in many saunas to help people breathe easy. I pgsonally use fresh eucalyptus in my shower for the wonderful aroma. It also has antiseptic, antiviral, and decongestant benefits.

FENNEL (Foeniculum vulgare): Some mainstream doctors find that the use of herbs can treat everyday ailments. Fennel used in a tea has been known to relieve symptoms of abdominal discomfort, such as gas, bloating, and belching.

HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense): Both the American Indians and the Chinese use silicon-containing horsetail to stop bleeding and to help wounds and broken bones heal faster. It’s the solubility of silica in fluids of wounds or in the poultice materials, and its absorption directly into blood and cells at the site of the wound, that makes horsetail work, according to herb expert Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D.3 European research reveals that horsetail stops bleeding and helps build up the blood. It has good antibiotic action, too. Silica acid, or horsetail tea,” adds Dr. Mowrey, “causes a slight rise in white blood cell count, and thereby enhances nonspecific resistance to diseases of many types.”

JUNIPER (luniperus communis): The dried fruit and Leah branches have been used as an antiseptic, and act as a diuretic. Also, juniper has been used as a detox and body cleanser, as well as for reducing muscle pain.

LAVENDER (Lavandula angustifolia): This fragrance is used in aromatherapy for relaxation. Also, you can drink lavender tea, which acts as a mild sedative. It is also used to help heal scars, minimize stretch marks, and soothe insect bites.

MINT (Mentha spp.): Mint is beneficial for normal skin, refreshes, and cools Peppermint not only can soothe tense muscles, but can be used to cure an upset stomach.

NETTLE (Urtica spp.): To stave off allergies, congestion, watery eyes, and other hay fever symptoms, nettle may do the trick.

OREGANO (Oregano vulgare): Oregano oil is both antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Not only does it kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other germs, it also fights infection, from colds to the flu. Also, oregano contains carvacrol, a type of phenol that is potent as an antiseptic. As an anti-inflammatory, oregano can be rubbed on aching muscles to relieve strains, and used externally to help heal burns and wounds, reports Dr. Mindell.

PARSLEY (Petroselinum crispum): This cleansing herb is packed with disease-fighting antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E. Also, it boasts plenty of iron. Parsley gets its good reputation, however, for its diuretic action. Plus, it’s believed to ease PMS symptoms, including cramps, hormonal mood swings, and bloating.

“Parsley does not allow salt to be reabsorbed into body tissues and literally forces debris out to the kidneys, liver and bladder. It is this ability which has saved lives-especially in cases where urine was backing up and poisoning the kidneys and liver,” reports Laurel Dewey, an herbalist in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.

ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis): This ancient therapeutic herb contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium, all of which help balance fluids surrounding nerves and heart tissues. In fact, rosemary may help to lower blood pressure. The rosemary leaf may have other positive cardiovascular effects owing to its rosemaricine content, and the flavonoid pigment diosmin Rosemary may also be known as the cancer-fighting herb. A research project at Penn State proves this to be true and shows that rosemary could reduce the risk of cancer in rats given a powerful carcinogen.

SAGE (Salvia officinalis): Herbalists claim sage is a natural astringent and antiseptic. It’s recommended for gingivitis and to soothe a sore throat. But caution: pregnant women should not take it.

THYME (Thymus vulgaris): Thyme is a delicate herb which is a natural source of iron, magnesium, silicon, sodium, and thiamine. Its power is as an antiseptic and a general healing tonic. It is believed to be helpful in cases of anemia. It can also subdue coughing and relieve intestinal ailments.

This material has been provided for educational purposes for your own personal use, I am NOT the Author of this material and is it posted in good faith of sharing information with other’s who walk the various paths.



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