
by: Nyx Wolfwalker

Direction ˆ East
Energy – Projective
Planet – Mercury, Jupiter
Quality – contemplative, sanguine, male
Number –
Colour – Yellow, Pastels, White, Clear, Pale or Light Blue, Lavender, Gray
Ritual Tool – Wand, Censer, Athame, Sword, Incense
Sense – Smell
Spirits – Sylphs
Angel – Michael
Dragon – Sairys (sair’-iss)
Winds – Eurus
Goddess – Aditi, Aerope, Aphrodite, Aradia, Arianrhod, Cardea, Cybele, Hathor, Hera, Iris, Lilith, Maman Brigette, Nut, Oya, Semiramis, Urania
Gods – Aether, Anu, Ariel, Baal, Boreas, Enlil, Favonius, Gabriel, Haddad, Horus, Hurakan, Indra, Jupiter, Khepera-Marduk, Mercury, Michael, Mithras, Njoerd, Orion, Quetzalcoatl, Shu, Thoth, Typhon, Uranus, Zephyrus, Zeus
Zodiac – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Season – Spring
Time of Day – Dawn
Animals – bird, insects, eagle, hawk, spiders, sphinx
Plants – anemone, aspen, Acacia, anise, aspen, benzoin, clover, dill, lavender, lemongrass, pine, bodh tree, epiphytic plants, frankincense, pansy, poplar, primrose, myrrh, vervain, violet, wall fern, yarrow
Stones – topaz, sapphire, lapis lazuli, Aventurine, mica, flourite, crystals, amethyst, yellow or blue stones
Metals – Tin, copper
Incense – Galbanum, Frankincense, Fumitory, Myrrh
General – thoughts, ideas, flight, knowledge, wind, intellect, breath, learning, intuition, towers, aeries, high and windy places, the mind, the abstract, mental planes
Rules – Mind, mental and psychic work, intuition, knowledge, abstract thought, wind, breath, clouds, inspiration, hearing, herbal knowledge, plant growth, purification, freedom, revealing truth, finding lost things, instruction, telepathy, memory, learning the secrets of the dead, Zen meditation, new beginnings, illuminations
Types of Magick – Divination, concentration, prophecy, visualization, wind magick, karma

Direction ˆ North
Energy – Receptive, feminine
Planet – Earth, Saturn, Venus
Quality – emotional, melancholly, female
Number – 4, even numbers, (5, 10 Chinese)
Colour – Green, Black, Brown, gold, White
Ritual Tool ˆ Pentacle, salt, images, stones, cord magick
Sense – Touch
Spirits – Gnomes
Angel – Uriel
Dragon – Grael (grail)
Winds ˆ Boreas, Ophion
Goddess – Anath, Artemis, Bona Dea, Ceres, Cerridwyn, Epona, Mah, Prithivi, Cybele Magna Mater, Danu, Demeter, Dryads, Durga, Ertha, Eve, Fauna, Flora, Gaia, Hamadryads, Inanna, Isis, Kore, Mah, Maia, Mother Earth, Mother
Nature, Nokomos, Nephthys, Parvati, Persephone, Pomona, Prithivi, Rhea, Rhiannon, Sheela Na Gig, Tellus, Terra, Themis
Gods – Achilles, Adonis, Arawn, Ariel, Athos, Atlas, Attis, Baal, Bacchus, Cernunnos, Chango, Dagon, The Dagda, Dionysus, Enki, Enlil, The Green Man, Zeus, Hades, Marduk, Osiris, Pan, Robin Hood, Uriel, Vertumnus, Hou T’u, Athos, Herne, Marduk, Tammuz, Thor
Zodiac – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Season – Winter
Time of Day – Midnight
Animals – cattle, bison, stag, snakes, mole, dragon, sphinx, dog, horse, gopher, ant, bear, wolf
Plants – adonis, amaranth, barley, comfrey, Cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, magnolia, patchouli, primrose, sage, vetivert, nuts, grain, grass, hops, ivy, maize, licorice, millet, oak, oats, rice, root vegetables, rye, Storax, wheat
Stones – salt, rock crystal, agate, bloodstone, granite, holy stone, jasper, smoky quartz, carnelian, tiger’s eye, emerald, peridot, onyx, azurite, amethyst, royal azute, tourmaline, tourmalanted quartz, rutilated quartz
Metals – Iron, lead
Incense – Storax, Benzoin, Fumitory
General – life, birth, growth, nature, money, food, prosperity, silence, wisdom, agriculture, creativity, canyons, caverns, chasms, rocks, caves, metals, agriculture, crystals, matter, stability, strength, trees, bones, mountains, the body, physical reality, standing stones, the senses of touch, the first astral plane, sustaining life.
Rules – The body, growth, money, creativity, birth, death, material gain, fertility, birth, healing, rocks, trees, animals, manifestation, materialization, crystals, silence, metal, empathy, grounding, employment, stability, success, runes, strength, practical wisdom, mystery
Types of Magick – Gardening, grounding, magnet, image, stone, tree, knot, binding

Direction ˆ South
Energy – Projective, masculine
Planet – Sun, Mars, Jupiter
Quality – Destructive, Choleric, male, phallic
Number – 2, 7 (Chinese)
Colour – Red, Gold, Crimson, Orange, White
Ritual Tool – Athame, Sword, Censer, Wand, candles, dagger, burned herbs or requests on paper
Sense – Sight
Spirits – Salamanders
Angel – Rapheal
Dragon – Fafnir (faf’-near)
Winds – Notus
Goddess – Astarte, Ashtoreth, Bastet, Berecyntia, Briget, Freya, Hestia, Ishtar, Kali, Minerva, Belisima, Oynyena Maria, Pele, Pyrrha, Sekhmet, Vesta
Gods – Agni, Baal, Bel, Belenus, Chango, Coyote, Govannon, Hephaestus, Vulcan, Horus, Mulciber, Ogun, Wayland, Ra, Ea, Llyr, Prometheus, Shiva, Surya, Velchanus, Vishnu, Raven, Loki, Chu Jung
Zodiac – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Season – Summer
Time of Day – Noon
Animals – salamander, lion, phoenix, dragon, lizards, praying mantis, ladybug, bee, scorpion, shark, horses, coyotes, foxes, snakes
Plants – Allspice, alder, almond, dittany, fire thorn, flame tree, garlic, hibiscus, mustard, nettles, onion, hot peppers, red poppy, rose, basil, cacti, chili peppers, cinnamon, garlic, heliotrope, hibiscus, juniper, lime, olibanum, onion, orange, thistle
Stones – fire opal, pyrite, firestone, amethyst, fire garnet, ruby, obsidian, fire agate, Red jasper, bloodstone, lava, quartz crystals, carnelian, tigers eye, rhodochrosite
Metals – Gold, brass
Incense – Olibanum, Copal, Frankincense, Rose
General – energy, activity, motivation, sight, quickening, blood, sap, spirit, purification, heat, courage, flames, bonfires, lust, life, enthusiasm, passion, the hearth, inspiration, transformation, vitality, sexuality, leadership, combustion, healing, volcanoes, destruction, authority, metal work, incandescence, deserts, eruptions, explosions, anger, masculine, will power
Rules – Energy, sexuality, passions, love, authority, transformation, purification, candle flames, sun, blood, healing, destruction, will, creativity, flame, heat, bonfires, hearth fires, protection, courage, strength, physical exercise, self-knowledge, loyalty, vision, illumination, power
Types of Magick – Candle, storm, time

Direction ˆ West
Energy – Receptive, feminine
Planet – Moon, Neptune, Saturn, Venus
Quality – emotions, female, phlegmatic
Number – 1, 6 (Chinese)
Colour – Blue, blue-green, green, gray, indigo, aquamarine, white, Black, Green, Clear
Ritual Tool – Chalice, Cauldron, mirrors
Sense – Taste
Spirits – Undines
Angel – Gabriel
Dragon – Naelyan (nail’-yon)
Winds – Zephyrus
Goddess – Amphitrite, Anahita, Aphrodite, Anadyomene, Artemis, Asherah, Astarte, Atargatis, Carmenta, Cerridwen, Erzulie, Eurynome, Gwenhwyfar, Ishtar, Isis, Kupala, Luonnotar, Marina, Minerva, the Naiads, the Nereids, the Oceanids, Oshun, Sarasvati, Sirens, the Telchines, Tethys, Thetis, Tiamat, Yemaya, Mariamne, Mari, Ran, Kupala
Gods – Haddad, Aegir, Apsu, Baal, Cephissus, Ea, Enlil, Enki, Ganymede, Glaucus, Hapi, Llyr, Nereus, Njoerd, Oceanus, Proteus, Triton, Typhon, Neptune, Poseidon, Dylan, Manannan Mac Lyr, Osiris, Hsyan Ming, Varuna
Zodiac – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Season – Autumn
Time of Day – Dusk
Animals – sea mammals, marine life, crocodile, salamander, serpent, sea bird, water-dwelling snakes, cat, frog, turtle, swan, bear
Plants – aquatic plants, Myrrh, ferns, fungi, lotus, moss, reeds, rushes, seaweed, soma, squill, watercress, water lily, willow, Aloe, apple, catnip, chamomile, gardneia, lemon, lettuce, lilac, lily of the valley, lotus, mosses, orris, passion flower, rose, thyme, valerian
Stones – aquamarine, moonstone, crystal, coral, sea salt, jade, pearl, mother-of-pearl, river stones, amethyst, blue tourmaline, coral, blue topaz, blue fluorite, lapis lazuli, sodalite
Metals – Mercury, silver, copper
Incense – Myrrh, Lotus, Aromatic Rush Roots
General – emotions, fertility, sensuality, intuition, change, sorrow, compassion, receptivity, tides, love, ecstasy, courage, mystery, daring, oceans, rivers, streams, springs, wells, lakes, waterfalls, pools, marine
life, psychic abilities, female, unconsciousness, subconscious, the womb, matrix
Rules – Emotions, feelings, love, courage, the unconscious mind, intuition, the womb, marriage, friendship,happiness, dreams, sleep, healing, menstruation, fertility, cleansing, purification, vision quests, self-healing, sorrow, reflection, psychic ability, oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, springs and wells
Types of Magick – Magick involving the sea, snow or ice, mirror, magnet, rain, cleansing and purification

Spirit (also called Akasha or Ether)
Direction – Center
Planet –
Quality –
Number –
Colour ˆ Clear, white, black
Ritual Tool – Self, Will, Cauldron
Sense – Hearing
Spirits – Angels
Angel – Medatron
Dragon –
Winds –
Goddess – Isis, the Secret Name of the Goddess, Shekinah, Cerridwen
Gods – Iao, Akasha, IAO, JHVH, Yhwh, Shiva, Zeus, Jupiter, Odin
Zodiac –
Season – The Turning Wheel
Time of Day – Beyond Time, all time is one
Animals – Sphinx, Griffin, Unicorn, all mythical beasts
Plants – Almond, Mistletoe, Yggdrasil, World Trees
Stones – Quartz Crystal, Diamond
Incense – Mastic
General – immanence, transcendence, transformation, everywhere, void, nowhere

Metal (Chinese)
Animal – Tiger
Direction – West
Quality – Sour/Sharp
Number – 4, 9
Colour – White
Gods – Ju Shou
Season – Autumn
General – Justice, Changes, Yielding, Sadness

Wood (Chinese)
Animal –
Direction – East
Quality – Sour
Number – 3, 8
Colour – Green
Ritual Tool – Staff
Gods – Kou Mang
Season – Spring
General – Goodness, Anger, Crooked and Straight



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