Dance of the shaman

Dance of the shaman
Author Jon Miler

Hear him sing the songs of the sacred Mother Earth.
Blue gem in a vast heaven.
Hear the drums…The big pow wow drums in sacred circle.

Dance of the shaman.
Watch him dance his sacred dance to the four directions.
Hear the chants.
Feal that great power….that what you know is truth dance to it.
Sway to the words.

Dance of the shaman
Dance of the dreamer.

The dream of the vision of a distant place and a vivid blue ocean scattered clouds and a Eagle high in the sky.

Dance of the shaman
Hear the love.
Feel the sacred bond of life.

Dance of the shaman
Hear many truths.

Truth comes with wisdom of the sacred teachings of all faiths on this sacred mother.

Faith is knowing in your heart that you can call on a higher power for guidance.

Dance of the sacred truths of the great mother.



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