Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?
Honestly no one and everyone at the same time.
What I mean by this is that at times feel like I am not being as active as other people who have similar disabilities are able to be.
Other times I feel like I am not being as active in our Ward as other members of it are, but at the same time they don’t have my medical to deal with, but I still feel like at times that I should be pushing myself more to go regardless of how much of a set back it might cause physically.
I look at FB posts from various friends and at times I am mad at myself that I am not as active as they are able to be or able to do some of the stuff that they are doing (like attending events that I would like to attend, but cost-wise isn’t possible or without being able to stand for long I wouldn’t be able to make it through the event).
This is why this particular question is so mixed because I know what I can do and what I can’t, and I also know when I push myself too far or much that payback is a big problem that I am left to deal with (and dealing with it can come in many fashions, mostly me being in extra pain or needing to sleep more than normal).