#Childfree Times for December 2012

Welcome to the December 2012 edition of the Childfree Times, this is a collection of articles, videos, images and more all related to being and living a Childfree life by choice (and for some not so much by choice to start with).

Articles and Blog Enteries
Childfree, why so mean to parents? First: I know. Parents are also guilty of being mean to the child-free, calling us “selfish” and whatnot. So, I can see responding to a particular person who makes a particularly offensive remark. But why throw unbidden offensive remarks out into the world, ourselves?

Stop Trying to Convince Your Critics – Psychology Today on child-free women NNo one asked me during Thanksgiving why I am still single. Hallelujah. That leaves the other question. Not, “Do you have children?” but, “What do you mean you don’t have kids?”

Infertility: Adopting Versus Embracing Childfree Can you imagine living in a culture in which it was not the norm to automatically leap to a parenting-at-all-costs strategy, perhaps even a culture in which infertility was interpreted as a call to do something meaningful with one’s life other than parenting?

Thoughtfully Childfree As I am in my twenties I see that being childfree is not taking the popular road and when others hear about our decision I am quickly faced with an array of worried looks and questions as to whether I have thoroughly thought this though. When in fact being childfree is one of the most thoughtful and researched decisions I have ever made. I often wonder, do people thoroughly research and think about their decision to have children?

The Childfree Guide to Enjoying the Winter Holidays Most people argue that summer is the best season of all because of sunshine, beaches and maybe even girls in short shorts (can’t argue there!). Despite how delightful summer can be, winter is my favourite season of all–and for good reason, I promise. Not only is it highly fashionable–from all the heavenly fur and down that describes the Nobis parka; to Mulberry shearling wedge booties–winter is the time to bring out your fiercest styles. And winter isn’t just for snuggling under the covers and watching re-runs of Gossip Girl. Although, you can do that too. Here’s 10 things that will make your child-free holidays enjoyable!

How about we all stop asking invasive questions about why people do/don’t have children? This society seems to take a very “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” stance when it comes to children and whether or not you’re going to have them.

Childless couples may not live as long as parents study suggests Having children may lengthen your life as women are four times more likely to die if they are not mothers, a study has found.

Man Bemoans Selfish Women Not Having Enough Kids Ross Douthat set off a firestorm with a column urging American women to stop being decadent and have more babies. In a follow-up blog post, he explains that raising children is easier than it used to be, so there’s really no excuse for women to be so selfish.

Brenda Horrocks: Childless at Christmas: A survival guide Create a list of things you enjoy doing together. Pick one item each week and have it be your special holiday of the week. Take time to focus on one another and enjoy things you cannot do with children — like late night movies, fancy restaurants, an overnighter at a favorite hotel, sleeping in followed by a late morning breakfast. Remember, even though you don’t have children, you are still a family.

Do Women Have to Be Childless to Combat the Wage Gap? Imagine being in a country where there wasn’t a wage gap. Or what about just being in one where it is the women who out-earn the men?

Single, Childless and Christmas – Trying Out a New Solution to a Tricky Equation Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and it’d be great to spend the festive season with my mum, brother, nephews and other relatives. But as a single, 41-year-old woman who’d still like a family of her own, this time of year brings a lot more than Christmas cheer.

Fathers earn almost a fifth more salary than childless men The “fatherhood pay bonus” means that the salaries of men who have children before they are aged 40 are likely to be 19 per cent more than childless colleagues, the Daily Mail reported.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/money/money-matters/fathers-earn-almost-a-fifth-more-salary-than-childless-men/story-e6frfmd9-1226542896700#ixzz2GQ6E6RwJ

Childfree & Loving It a pinterest board dedicated to all things childfree

Happily Childfree another pinterest board dedicated to all things childfree

Childfree another pinterest board dedicated to all things childfree

Childfree laughs another pinterest board dedicated to all things childfree

Choosing to live Child-Free ??? Not completely childfree as the above ones but images more from the point of view of someone who is having fertility issues and is looking to living without children or something to that effect.



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