World Diabetes Day – #WorldDiabetesDay

Well its that day again, and I know with all that is going on that many will forget what today is for many of us who are living with Diabetes. I’m sad that several events that where going to happen today have been canceled because of what happened yesterday, I was really looking forwards to them. Seeing the CN Tower in Blue is a highlight of the year for several of us, thus seeing it in the French colours puts a semi damper on things for several of us.

Yes I know “suck it up buttercup” I am, but it doesn’t stop me from being upset that today is over shadowed by what’s happened in France and else where. Its sad yes, its a signs of the times in many regards and one that needs to end, but the fact is many of us plan for this one day in the year to raise awareness for this medical condition and having it not even mentioned in the news because of all the France stuff to degrees is annoying – understandable to various degrees yes, but still annoying since I know several of us had been leading a push in the weeks previous to today for awareness.

Yes there is still the rest of the month to raise awareness that’s true – but the one day blitz that happens ya it didn’t happen as it was going to unfortunately.

Well take care everyone!



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