Family Day…

Well its the close of Family Day here in Ontario, its the new provincial holiday that was promised to us, though why that blasted name was chosen I’ll under understand, I prefer the idea of Flag day instead .. but apparently the powers that be think “Family Day” was a better idea.

Oh well, spent most of the day at home working in my shop in Second Life, but around 1pm Dad and I went to take in some of the local happenings .. cant say I was impressed with any of it .. lots of people with children screaming and yelling and so not keeping them under control what so ever (and they complain about us dog owners … shakes head many of us have better control over our companions then they do of their children).

Anyhow, we ended up getting a Free coffee and sweet at a local coffee shop that is now under new management, and was having it as a free day to promote themselves, which worked out well I do think, even managed to get a free organic juice from the shop owner, which was a sweet deal, though in truth Id not pay the three dollars and change that the juice costs to get it again, not less the price came way way way down.

Well take care everyone



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