#Fitblog QnA – We All Were Newbies Once

FitBlog ChatsQ1) What did you struggle with the most in the beginning of your fitness journey?
I don’t honestly remember, I’ve been into fitness for as long as I can remember

Q2) What’s the worst advice you’ve ever received as a workout newbie?
I can’t saw as a newbie, but I know a few people have said that I was to “fat” to even think about pressing so much weight at once (till they saw me bench 200 dead lift).

Q3) What was the BEST advice you ever received as a newbie?
Again not as a newbie, but the comment that “You can do it!” would be the best one

Q4) What have you accomplished now that you didn’t think possible as a newbie?
I can’t think of anything, since I don’t ever remember thinking I’ll never be able to do XYZ .. though I do know that trying the elliptical for the first time I didn’t see how many one could use one of those things till I put my mind to it and did it for an hour.



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