Inventory Loss Workaround and Reporting

If you realize that you have missing inventory, follow the steps below as soon as possible.

1. If you do not yet have it installed, install the latest Beta Client (you need to have had an account before October 2007 to do this, other wise I am not sure it will work for you or not).

2. Login to the Beta Grid and find a quiet place where no one will annoy you while you are trying to solve a problem. DO NOT REZ ANYTHING WHILE ON THE BETA GRID. GO INTO BUSY MODE IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT ACCEPT ITEMS, DO NOT DELETE ITEMS, DO NOT PASS OR RENAME ITEMS.

3. Open your inventory, type in a search term and allow your inventory to populate.

4. Got your goods back? Awesome! Quit the Beta client, login to the Main Grid and do the same thing. Once you have retrieved your items on the Main Grid and your inventory has fully populated, logout and cache that stuff. 5. Log back into the Main Grid, recheck inventory,

This technique has been proven to work more than half the timeas a workaround. Please bear in mind that you should only expect positive results if you attempt this workaround as soon as possible upon discovery of your missing items. If you try this and the inventory is still missing, please file a support ticket detailing what is missign and when you noticed it’s absense at



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