Tag Archives: YouTube
Garfield Dance
K i have the actual movie that this clip is taken from, and that’s why I chose to share it, cause well I find it funny in its own way.
Enigma-Gravity of Love
Well I did say I was an Enigma fan, and i know its real because of the info at the head end of the vid
Guns N’ Roses – Knocking On Heaven’s Door (Freddie Merc)
I’ve always liked this song for some reason, its just a song that has catchy lyrics it does feel
Eyes of Truth – Enigma
Not a bad music vid as vids for for Enigma
A Fat Rant – YouTube
Not a video for everyone, but one thing for sure is .. being of weight does have its problems with it comes to getting clothing and how people do preceve you. Do I agree with it? to various degrees yes … Continue reading