Thirteen Virtues of a Witch

1. Tolerance – The idea of this virtue is to be able to be fair and broad-minded. There may be people you don’t like in this world but at least if you can tolerate them, you will not end up hating people, or judging them unfairly. To be able to tolerate something means that it won’t bother you. Silly unimportant things in life won’t stress you out as you will be able to accept that people do things differently or sometimes things just happen.

2. Charity – The ability to give to those less fortunate then you shows two things. One, that you realize your life is not as bad as you may think. You can recognize the good things you have and the fortunes you hold. Two, you will be able climb the spiritual ladder, knowing that you can think of others and help them when possible. Being charitable eliminates being selfish, which only serves to make you bitter, twisted and unpopular.

3. Humility – To be able to see when you are wrong, helps you to build a better character. To see your own faults, will allow you to realize that you are not perfect and therefore not expected to get everything right. Humility helps us to be modest, to see that we are no better than anyone else and to be able to accept other people’s help when we need it.

4. Devotion – Devotion allows you to commit to something fully. Devoting yourself to things you believe in gives your life a purpose and meaning. By devoting yourself to a religion you take on a set of guidelines to follow that help you live as a moral and decent person that you can be comfortable with. Devoting yourself to your kids allows you to be happy in knowing that you have brought them up well and done the best you can. Devotion to anything will give you a sense of satisfaction. Your life won’t be meaningless as you will have achieved things that were important to you.

5. Patience – Patience allows you to see the best of things. If you are patient enough to see a task through to the end, you will reap the rewards. If you are patient enough to work with handicapped kids, you will see the real people in the shells that are often neglected and ignored. If you are patient enough to hear someone out, you may be surprised at what you learn. If you can be patient, you will never miss out on anything that others may give up on. Patience brings infinite rewards at very little cost, all you have to do is be able to wait for the end of a situation.

6. Kindliness – To be able to be kind, considerate, gentle and sympathetic makes you all the more attractive. No matter what, people will be able to approach you and you will be able to handle any given situation. People won’t fear you or fear what you will say to them. Filling yourself with love of this sort will attract the same sort of love back to you. A person full of kindness cannot be judged wrongly for all people will be able to see is the good in you.

7. Forbearance – Forbearance is the ability to have self-control. There will be times when you want to scream and shout but you need to be able to refrain from saying anything you may regret. Think things through properly or you could end up in trouble. Forbearance allows you to wait for the right moment so that you can sort things out calmly.

8. Sincerity – Sincerity is a virtue that people cannot help but respect. A sincere person acts honestly and without falseness. To act with sincerity means you won’t have to pretend to like something or someone. It does not mean that you can go around shooting your mouth off or hurting others feelings; you still have to exercise restraint and diplomacy. However people will not doubt things you say if you act with sincerity at all times. People will know that you are genuine.

9. Courage – Courage, in this instance, does not mean running off to fight wild animals or defeat monsters. Courage can be as little as facing a situation that you have been putting off for a while. To have courage is to be able to go through life knowing that you did what you had to do no matter what the cost. Courage enables us all to face the hard times in life in order to receive the rewards and benefits on the other side.

10. Precision – To act with precision is to act carefully and with clarity. Precision allows us to avoid confusion and mistakes and to achieve the best in any given situation. A precise person will be able to go about life in an orderly fashion, not getting caught up in tasks that are unimportant. Precision allows us to know what we want and how to go about getting it, therefore increasing our chance of achievement.

11. Efficiency – Efficiency allows us to do our best in anything we set out to do. It helps us lead more organized lives. Efficiency is the ability to do something well while only using the amount of time and energy that is needed. Being efficient is being able to work quickly and effectively in an organized way, therefore allowing more time for other activities in your life.

12. Discrimination – This is not discrimination against certain types of people. This is the ability to see the differences between two actions, two people, two situations etc. Discrimination helps us think through all the possibilities and decide which is the best course of action. It allows us to choose the best person for a job or the best object to be used. It even means being able to discriminate between good and bad. A person who has good discrimination will be able to see both sides of everything and work from there. Their judgments will be fair and based on facts as well as
common sense.

13. Wisdom – Wisdom has nothing to do with education. You cannot judge people’s wisdom by how far in school they did or didn’t get. Wisdom comes from life experience. It is the best tool for giving people good advice and helping them out of tricky situations. Wisdom is the ability to see what is for the best and when or when not to act.



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