Rebuilding TU41: The Moat Is Finished!

?Rebuilding TU41, The Moat is Finally Finished! Plus, Rebuilding an Iconic Connection ?

After a long process, the moat is finally complete! Every block placed brings TU41 closer to its original form, and with the water in place, it’s time for the next key step—recreating the bridge that once connected spawn to the rest of the tutorial world.

This bridge isn’t just for convenience; it was an integral part of the original design, shaping how players navigated the world. Restoring it means one more piece of TU41 is back where it belongs, setting the stage for everything to come.

If you’re enjoying this rebuild, be sure to like, subscribe, and hit the bell so you don’t miss the next stage of the project!

FYI – I misspoke and didn’t catch it in reviewing until it was to late, I said Episode 22, which it would have been Episode 19.

If you would like to watch the video, please click the link (you will be taken to the video on my gaming channel) –



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